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2009年8月28日 星期五

broken...english....of vivian

today tis daddy com dun hav chinese~
vivian decided to write my blog with english...hahaha~
today morning have tuition ohh...~
the weather soooooo cold...
canoot tahan....~
today is san laz day 2 tuition abu....~
so farewell..no lahh..
keeping writing...~
today no mood lorr....
all day like dreaming......==~
coz toooo tired larhh~
ermm...daddy buy jor new laptop...nice soooo....><
bt nt mine wan...hahaha~(still dreaming)
daddy also buy a new monitor(dunno spell)~
bt also nt mine....><
cozz i already hav a laptop...muahhahahah...(kidding)
now already 1.30a.m...
im nt tired...haha..
coz i already take a nap..haha...
nth to say jor...
in conclusion....vivian is dreaming all day..~

hey hey`~
2morow i gt go "shu zhan"~(omg..i duno how 2 explain..)
who gt go ahh???~
heard my gor gor say gt many discount things~
call me muz go there...~
okok~2morow go..
heard tat hav many ppl go ohh~~
let see 2morow...

omg..i think my english standard always stay in starter only..==
my standard is so bad...
no way...i muz pratise more..haha~
bt ...in class...i upper intermediate delorr...
juz a name...==~

good night...~
i wan have a beauty sleep...haha~
BYE yA....

1 意見:

★【爱音乐阿比】☆ 提到...

ur english Not bad wad?
today nice trip ~~
im so happy ~
can meet with u all ~